2025 PrepareRI High School Internship Program
Opens Nov 4 2024 04:00 PM (EST)
Deadline Jan 14 2025 11:59 PM (EST)

To apply to this opportunity, select the "Check Eligibility" button.

Thank you for your interest in the PrepareRI High School Internship Program. Please read through the application before applying to make sure you are eligible and can commit to the expectations of the PrepareRI High School Internship Program. 

The PrepareRI High School Internship Program is a program of Skills for Rhode Island’s Future (SkillsRI) and is funded by the Governor's Workforce Board and Bank of America. 

For questions about this application process, please call SkillsRI at 401-680-5960 and ask for a PrepareRI Recruiter. 

SkillsRI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and program provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY via RI Relay 711. Language access services in your preferred language can be provided at no cost to you. Call (401) 680-5960 for assistance in the translation and understanding of the information in this document. 

En Español :

Gracias por su interés en el Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria. Por favor, lea toda la solicitud antes de aplicar para asegurarse de que cumple con los requisitos y puede comprometerse con las expectativas del Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria.

El Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria es un programa de Skills for Rhode Island's Future (SkillsRI) y cuenta con el financiamiento de la Junta de Fuerza Laboral del Gobernador y Banco de America.

Para preguntas sobre este proceso de solicitud, por favorllame a SkillsRI al 401-680-5960 y solicite hablar con un Reclutador del programa de PrepareRI.

SkillsRI es un empleador y proveedor de programas con igualdad de oportunidades. Ayudas y servicios auxiliares están disponibles a solicitud para personas con discapacidades. TTY a través de RI Relay 711. Los servicios de acceso en su idioma preferido pueden ser proporcionados sin costo alguno. Llame al (401) 680-5960 para asistencia en la traducción y comprensión de la información en este documento 


The PrepareRI High School Internship Program is a rigorous 7-week work-based learning experience where current Rhode Island public high school juniors, including public charter schools and home school students with identified local LEA, are placed in a paid summer internship during the summer of 2025. We are looking for high school students who are highly motivated to learn, earn, and connect through experiential learning. Students selected into the program will make $15.00/hour, and can earn up to $4,200 for the summer.

For the 2025 PrepareRI High School Internship Program, SkillsRI is planning for a placed-based internship where interns will be placed with one of SkillsRI’s 200+ employer partnerships. Our internships are typically in-person, but virtual or hybrid may be required based on the employer work model.

To ensure the safety of all students and employer partners, SkillsRI will follow the COVID-19 vaccination requirements of its employer partners. If an employer partner has mandated vaccination requirements, interns interested in said employer will need to be fully vaccinated.  

The PrepareRI High School Internship Program is designed for all students, regardless of ability, learning style, or career interest. 

If you want to learn more about the program before you apply, we are here to answer questions. Please call SkillsRI at 401-680-5960 and ask for a PrepareRI Recruiter, or click here to schedule a coaching session.


El Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria es una experiencia rigurosa de aprendizaje basado en el trabajo de 7 semanas, en la que estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria de escuelas públicas de Rhode Island, incluidas escuelas públicas “chárter” y estudiantes siendo educados en casa basado en un plan de LEA (agencia educativa local), pueden participan en una pasantía remunerada durante el verano de 2025. Buscamos estudiantes de secundaria altamente motivados para aprender, ganar y conectarse a través de una experiencia de aprendizaje profesional. Los estudiantes seleccionados para el programa ganarán $15.00 por hora y pueden ganar hasta $4,200 durante el verano. 

Para el Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria 2025, SkillsRI está planeando pasantías basadas en ubicación, donde los pasantes serán asignados a una de las más de 200 empresas asociadas de SkillsRI. Una pasantía puede ser presencial, virtual o híbrida según el modelo de trabajo del empleador. 

Para garantizar la seguridad de todos los estudiantes y socios empleadores, SkillsRI seguirá los requisitos de vacunación contra COVID-19 de sus socios empleadores. Si un socio empleador tiene requisitos obligatorios de vacunación, los pasantes interesados en dicho empleador deberán estar completamente vacunados. 

El Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria está diseñado para todos los estudiantes, sin importar sus capacidades, estilo de aprendizaje o interés profesional. 

Si desea obtener más información sobre el programa antes de postularse o necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud, por favor llame a SkillsRI al 401-680-5960 y solicite hablar con un Reclutador de PrepareRI, ó haz clic en este enlace para programar una sección de capacitación. 


Attend a Rhode Island public high school, public charter high school, or home school with an identified local LEA

  • Current junior in high school (2024/2025 school year)
    • Parental/Guardian consent to participate
    • Rhode Island resident
    • Minimum of 16 years of age by March 30, 2025
    • Complete the online PrepareRI High School Internship Application
    • Complete interview with SkillsRI and with the employer(s)
    • Attend a 40-hour paid work-readiness bootcamp scheduled for June 23 – June 27, 2025, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
    • Complete a minimum of 150 hours of work over a 6-week period between July 7 - August 15, 2025
    • Have a flexible schedule for work during the summer of 2025
    • Eligible to work in the United States


Phase 1: Application & Support Services 

  • November 4, 2024: Application period opens and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Get your application in early.
    • November 4, 2024 – May 30, 2025: Student coaching is available to assist with all phases of the application process, including completing the application, resume writing, interview preparation, and support with student accommodations. Students can schedule coaching sessions in advance and request additional services by contacting our team at prepareri@skillsforri.com, or using the link below.
      • Click here to schedule a coaching session
      • January 14, 2025Application deadline. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Incomplete or late applications WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED 
      • January 17, 2025: Students will be notified if they advance to the initial SkillsRI interviews (Phase 2)
    • Phase 2: Initial SkillsRI Interviews
      • January 22 – Feb. 25, 2025: Students will interview with SkillsRI to determine if they will advance to Orientation (Phase 3)
      • February 28, 2025: Deadline for resume submissions. Please use the free resource guide found here to help you create your resume.
    • Phase 3:  Orientation 
      • March 4 – March 24, 2025Mandatory student-parent/guardian orientation sessions. Notices with dates will be sent to all eligible applicants
      • March 6 - March 27, 2025: Students will be notified if they advance to Employer Matching & Final Selection (Phase 4). 
        • Any student who advances to the Employer Matching & Final Selection phase has officially been accepted to the PrepareRI Internship Program
    • Phase 4: Employer Matching & Final Selection
      • March 6 – June 6, 2025: Students will be matched and interviewed with prospective employers for their internship
      • June 16, 2025: Students will be notified of their final internship placement with an employer
    • Phase 5: Student Program Onboarding 
      • March 13 - June 20, 2025: Students will be required to complete additional employer paperwork
        • Onboarding paperwork will be done on a rolling basis once matched with an employer  
    • Phase 6: Work Readiness Bootcamp and Internship Work Experience  
      • June 23 –June 27, 2025: Mandatory work readiness bootcamp for selected students 
      • July 7 – August 15, 2025: The 6-week internship with the employer takes place. Students must complete a minimum of 150 hours of work over this period
      • August 15, 2025: Program Celebration


Application period is open from November 4, 2024 until January 14, 2025 at 11:59 pm. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling-basis; therefore, we strongly encourage you to complete the application as soon as possible. Late applications or incomplete applications will not be accepted.  

You may start and save your application online. To save your application and return to complete it later, you will need to create a log-in account. We strongly encourage you to write down your log-in account information and save your work along the way. We also ask you to use a personal email address to avoid school-imposed firewalls.

Paper applications will NOT be accepted.  If you need help filling out the application or access to a computerplease contact SkillsRI or your school career coordinatorschool guidance counselor, or school principal

If you have any trouble saving or submitting your application, please contact SkillsRI at (401) 680 - 5960 or prepareri@skillsforri.com. Applications will only be accepted online here .

2025 PrepareRI High School Internship Program

To apply to this opportunity, select the "Check Eligibility" button.

Thank you for your interest in the PrepareRI High School Internship Program. Please read through the application before applying to make sure you are eligible and can commit to the expectations of the PrepareRI High School Internship Program. 

The PrepareRI High School Internship Program is a program of Skills for Rhode Island’s Future (SkillsRI) and is funded by the Governor's Workforce Board and Bank of America. 

For questions about this application process, please call SkillsRI at 401-680-5960 and ask for a PrepareRI Recruiter. 

SkillsRI is an Equal Opportunity Employer and program provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. TTY via RI Relay 711. Language access services in your preferred language can be provided at no cost to you. Call (401) 680-5960 for assistance in the translation and understanding of the information in this document. 

En Español :

Gracias por su interés en el Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria. Por favor, lea toda la solicitud antes de aplicar para asegurarse de que cumple con los requisitos y puede comprometerse con las expectativas del Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria.

El Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria es un programa de Skills for Rhode Island's Future (SkillsRI) y cuenta con el financiamiento de la Junta de Fuerza Laboral del Gobernador y Banco de America.

Para preguntas sobre este proceso de solicitud, por favorllame a SkillsRI al 401-680-5960 y solicite hablar con un Reclutador del programa de PrepareRI.

SkillsRI es un empleador y proveedor de programas con igualdad de oportunidades. Ayudas y servicios auxiliares están disponibles a solicitud para personas con discapacidades. TTY a través de RI Relay 711. Los servicios de acceso en su idioma preferido pueden ser proporcionados sin costo alguno. Llame al (401) 680-5960 para asistencia en la traducción y comprensión de la información en este documento 


The PrepareRI High School Internship Program is a rigorous 7-week work-based learning experience where current Rhode Island public high school juniors, including public charter schools and home school students with identified local LEA, are placed in a paid summer internship during the summer of 2025. We are looking for high school students who are highly motivated to learn, earn, and connect through experiential learning. Students selected into the program will make $15.00/hour, and can earn up to $4,200 for the summer.

For the 2025 PrepareRI High School Internship Program, SkillsRI is planning for a placed-based internship where interns will be placed with one of SkillsRI’s 200+ employer partnerships. Our internships are typically in-person, but virtual or hybrid may be required based on the employer work model.

To ensure the safety of all students and employer partners, SkillsRI will follow the COVID-19 vaccination requirements of its employer partners. If an employer partner has mandated vaccination requirements, interns interested in said employer will need to be fully vaccinated.  

The PrepareRI High School Internship Program is designed for all students, regardless of ability, learning style, or career interest. 

If you want to learn more about the program before you apply, we are here to answer questions. Please call SkillsRI at 401-680-5960 and ask for a PrepareRI Recruiter, or click here to schedule a coaching session.


El Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria es una experiencia rigurosa de aprendizaje basado en el trabajo de 7 semanas, en la que estudiantes de tercer año de secundaria de escuelas públicas de Rhode Island, incluidas escuelas públicas “chárter” y estudiantes siendo educados en casa basado en un plan de LEA (agencia educativa local), pueden participan en una pasantía remunerada durante el verano de 2025. Buscamos estudiantes de secundaria altamente motivados para aprender, ganar y conectarse a través de una experiencia de aprendizaje profesional. Los estudiantes seleccionados para el programa ganarán $15.00 por hora y pueden ganar hasta $4,200 durante el verano. 

Para el Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria 2025, SkillsRI está planeando pasantías basadas en ubicación, donde los pasantes serán asignados a una de las más de 200 empresas asociadas de SkillsRI. Una pasantía puede ser presencial, virtual o híbrida según el modelo de trabajo del empleador. 

Para garantizar la seguridad de todos los estudiantes y socios empleadores, SkillsRI seguirá los requisitos de vacunación contra COVID-19 de sus socios empleadores. Si un socio empleador tiene requisitos obligatorios de vacunación, los pasantes interesados en dicho empleador deberán estar completamente vacunados. 

El Programa de Pasantías PrepareRI para Estudiantes de Escuela Secundaria está diseñado para todos los estudiantes, sin importar sus capacidades, estilo de aprendizaje o interés profesional. 

Si desea obtener más información sobre el programa antes de postularse o necesita ayuda para completar la solicitud, por favor llame a SkillsRI al 401-680-5960 y solicite hablar con un Reclutador de PrepareRI, ó haz clic en este enlace para programar una sección de capacitación. 


Attend a Rhode Island public high school, public charter high school, or home school with an identified local LEA

  • Current junior in high school (2024/2025 school year)
    • Parental/Guardian consent to participate
    • Rhode Island resident
    • Minimum of 16 years of age by March 30, 2025
    • Complete the online PrepareRI High School Internship Application
    • Complete interview with SkillsRI and with the employer(s)
    • Attend a 40-hour paid work-readiness bootcamp scheduled for June 23 – June 27, 2025, from 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
    • Complete a minimum of 150 hours of work over a 6-week period between July 7 - August 15, 2025
    • Have a flexible schedule for work during the summer of 2025
    • Eligible to work in the United States


Phase 1: Application & Support Services 

  • November 4, 2024: Application period opens and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Get your application in early.
    • November 4, 2024 – May 30, 2025: Student coaching is available to assist with all phases of the application process, including completing the application, resume writing, interview preparation, and support with student accommodations. Students can schedule coaching sessions in advance and request additional services by contacting our team at prepareri@skillsforri.com, or using the link below.
      • Click here to schedule a coaching session
      • January 14, 2025Application deadline. Applications are due by 11:59 p.m. Incomplete or late applications WILL NOT BE CONSIDERED 
      • January 17, 2025: Students will be notified if they advance to the initial SkillsRI interviews (Phase 2)
    • Phase 2: Initial SkillsRI Interviews
      • January 22 – Feb. 25, 2025: Students will interview with SkillsRI to determine if they will advance to Orientation (Phase 3)
      • February 28, 2025: Deadline for resume submissions. Please use the free resource guide found here to help you create your resume.
    • Phase 3:  Orientation 
      • March 4 – March 24, 2025Mandatory student-parent/guardian orientation sessions. Notices with dates will be sent to all eligible applicants
      • March 6 - March 27, 2025: Students will be notified if they advance to Employer Matching & Final Selection (Phase 4). 
        • Any student who advances to the Employer Matching & Final Selection phase has officially been accepted to the PrepareRI Internship Program
    • Phase 4: Employer Matching & Final Selection
      • March 6 – June 6, 2025: Students will be matched and interviewed with prospective employers for their internship
      • June 16, 2025: Students will be notified of their final internship placement with an employer
    • Phase 5: Student Program Onboarding 
      • March 13 - June 20, 2025: Students will be required to complete additional employer paperwork
        • Onboarding paperwork will be done on a rolling basis once matched with an employer  
    • Phase 6: Work Readiness Bootcamp and Internship Work Experience  
      • June 23 –June 27, 2025: Mandatory work readiness bootcamp for selected students 
      • July 7 – August 15, 2025: The 6-week internship with the employer takes place. Students must complete a minimum of 150 hours of work over this period
      • August 15, 2025: Program Celebration


Application period is open from November 4, 2024 until January 14, 2025 at 11:59 pm. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling-basis; therefore, we strongly encourage you to complete the application as soon as possible. Late applications or incomplete applications will not be accepted.  

You may start and save your application online. To save your application and return to complete it later, you will need to create a log-in account. We strongly encourage you to write down your log-in account information and save your work along the way. We also ask you to use a personal email address to avoid school-imposed firewalls.

Paper applications will NOT be accepted.  If you need help filling out the application or access to a computerplease contact SkillsRI or your school career coordinatorschool guidance counselor, or school principal

If you have any trouble saving or submitting your application, please contact SkillsRI at (401) 680 - 5960 or prepareri@skillsforri.com. Applications will only be accepted online here .

Nov 4 2024 04:00 PM (EST)
Jan 14 2025 11:59 PM (EST)